Welcome to the season of God performing things in the life of every Believer totally out of the ordinary as well as the unexpected. The bible say’s, “For with God Nothing is Impossible.” (Luke 1 : 37)
As we await, the return of our Lord Savior Jesus Christ. It is imperative that we seek the face of the Lord in prayer in order to accomplish the will of the Lord in this season. In my personal time of seeking the Lord in prayer, it is my privilege to share the Lord’s leading and to encourage God’s people, “No-Thing shall be Impossible,” because with God All Things are Possible if you only Believe.
Beloved, let us prepare ourselves to see the performance of God in our lives. While in the last few years, many things has come and taken the entire world by surprise, now I believe God going to show the entire world how he has a big surprise for all the world to see when he performs the Impossible in the lives of his people.